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WIS 130 Wisconsin River Bridges Design-Build in Lone Rock, WI

The WIS 130 Wisconsin River crossing just south of Lone Rock provides an essential thoroughfare for local, regional, and freight traffic. The three original bridges were structurally deficient and functionally obsolete and did not meet the current minimum standards for horizontal clear width and overhead vertical clearance. Safety along the corridor was also an issue, as none of the narrow bridges had shoulders. The WIS 130/133 intersection south of the river crossing along the river bluff also experienced fatal crashes.

The project, located on WIS 130 between WIS 133 and the township of Lone Rock, included realigning the corridor and replacing three deteriorating truss bridges with two prestressed concrete girder bridges. In addition to the bridge replacements, the roadway was shifted to the west by 1,000 feet. Improvements included approximately 3,900 feet of two-lane rural roadway for the new WIS 130 alignment, reconstruction of approximately 2,150 feet of two-lane rural roadway on WIS 133 along the southern river bluff, beam guard installation, and retaining wall construction, all while minimizing sensitive riverine impacts. It is also WisDOT’s first design-build project to enter construction under the state’s legislatively-defined Design-Build Pilot Program.

This project added value to the communities by greatly improving safety at the dangerous southern WIS 130/133 intersection. It also replaced deficient, narrow truss bridges with modern concrete girder bridges, which improves safety and mobility and reduces ongoing maintenance costs for WisDOT. Due to the design-build delivery method’s accelerated schedule, the new bridges opened to traffic two years earlier, saving project costs and speeding up the construction schedule compared to a traditional design-bid-build delivery.

Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Lone Rock, WI
Bridges and Structures
Water and Environment View All Projects