Transit planning at the corridor level requires skill in community planning, transportation design, innovative engagement, and long-term partnerships. SRF is a leader in providing excellent client service on transit corridor projects, and offers a full-service, team effort to deliver plan documents that can carry projects from planning to implementation.
Our approach is context sensitive, understanding the complexities and best applications of light rail, bus rapid transit, and high-quality local and regional services. We work nationally on environmental documentation and engagement efforts and can assist local governments in developing transit supportive plans and policies.

Alternatives Analyses and Feasibility Studies
SRF’s multidisciplinary team works closely with cities, counties, and transit agencies to develop sound technical analysis that facilitates alternatives evaluation and confident decision-making on modes, alignments, and strategies for potential projects. Our work can help evaluate the best transit mode for a given corridor and inform decision-makers on what elements are necessary to ensure the success of a transit investment. Innovative engagement, assembling locally developed evaluation criteria, and drawing from a national portfolio of projects are hallmarks of our approach.
Environmental Documentation
SRF is passionate about planning for transit projects that offer positive outcomes and broad community benefits. Enhancing community mobility and making sustainable and equitable infrastructure investments are at the core of our practice. SRF has developed categorical exclusions, environmental assessments, and environmental impact statements for transit projects. Our deep team has expertise in the specific technical analyses needed for the EA, as well as a thorough knowledge of FTA’s process and requirements. We have specialized skills that can help agencies of all scales navigate the environmental process, and experience with industry best practices.
Station Area and Transit-Oriented Development Planning
SRF believes that transit projects are stronger if linked to land use and economic development planning. We work with clients to prepare station areas for opening day accessibility and to achieve development visions that support city vitality and transit ridership. Our team members work at the nexus of good land use planning and high-quality transit operations, and can help communities plan for the greatest transit potential and have a positive impact on the build environment.
Before and After Studies
Our work studying the impacts of corridor investments employs SRF’s thorough understanding of transitway development: scoping, capital costs, service plans, and O&M costs, ridership forecasting, and economic development. SRF understands FTA’s requirements for New Starts projects’ before and after studies, and the value these studies bring to project sponsors and FTA. We are leaders in conducting New Starts Before and After Studies, and are continuously innovating in how we communicate the growth and change in communities that make these significant investments in transit.