Bus Rapid Transit and Managed Lanes Study
Through inter-agency cooperation, MnDOT, the Metropolitan Council, and Scott County undertook the Highway 169 Mobility Study. The sponsoring agencies selected SRF to lead the effort to evaluate the feasibility of adding MnPASS high occupancy/ toll express lanes and/or highway bus rapid transit (BRT) along Highway 169 in the southwestern portion of the Twin Cities metropolitan area.
The scope of this interdisciplinary study includes assessment of existing traffic and transit conditions, development of managed lane and transit alternatives, and alternative evaluation and prioritization. The evaluation includes travel demand forecasting, market analysis, travel time reliability evaluation, traffic operations analysis, and benefit-cost. The study ultimately recommend a feasible set of improvements along Highway 169 and an implementation plan for their phased deployment.
A key feature of the Highway 169 study was the market analysis conducted to assess existing passenger and freight movements in the region. This was performed using INRIX Trips and Waypoints data, showing the movements of 1.6 million trips within the study area. Along with more than 250 million waypoints providing routing information, SRF’s big data team leveraged knowledge of travel demand modeling tools and GIS spatial analysis to perform detailed analytics on these records. Products developed to inform the study included: select link travel patterns, route diversion analysis, cluster analysis of concentrated destinations, freeway ramp-to-ramp patterns, and station area market analysis. These results were critical to project stakeholders in assessing the location and utilization of potential highway and transit investments.
Mankato to Twin Cities: Intercity Bus Feasibility Study
Regional transportation plans identified Highway 169 between Highway 41 and Highway 55 as an ideal corridor for transit and mobility improvements. Moreover, statewide plans and community leaders have noted the importance of the Highway 169 Corridor between Mankato and the Twin Cities as a critical link for educational institutions, businesses, and interregional freight and passenger transportation. The Minnesota Department of Transportation, Scott County, the Metropolitan Council, the cities of Prior Lake and Shakopee are spearheading the Highway 169 Transitway Study to identify specific opportunities for transportation improvements along the corridor.
The scope of this work analyzed bus connections and studied the potential for expanded Intercity Bus Service along the Highway 169 corridor between Mankato and the Twin Cities. The project focused on identifying potential Highway 169 intercity service travel markets, needs, and opportunities. Service options, along with short- and long-term recommendations, were developed. This project actively engaged stakeholders and the public throughout the process. The results of the study will be used to evaluate the feasibility of intercity bus service on Highway 169.