SRF’s Funding and Grants team is pleased to announce that two of our clients received funding through the highly competitive INFRA grants program:
The South Dakota Department of Transportation will be awarded $61,573,383 to reconstruct approximately 28 miles of I-90 in McCook and Minnehaha Counties, between mileage reference markers 362 and 390. The project will remove and replace the existing surface on the I-90 eastbound lanes and westbound lanes, rebuild nine functionally obsolete and structurally deficient structures, provide safety and operational enhancements, and add truck parking spaces at the westbound and eastbound rest areas.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation will be awarded $60 million for a series of improvements to approximately three miles on I-494 between US 169 and the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. This project will include construction of MnPASS Lanes, interchange and ramp improvements, and pedestrian connections on the segment between Highway 100 and Highway 77. This project is part of a larger approximately 9.5-mile corridor project.
The awards of $61.6 million and $60 million respectively were the fourth and fifth highest funded projects this cycle and represent two of the 24 projects selected across the US and Guam!
SRF funding and grant experts have a successful track record in pairing clients’ needs with funding sources and securing grant dollars for projects of all sizes. Over the last 20 years, SRF has secured more than $1 billion in local, state, and federal funds.