Five grant applications authored by SRF were recently selected for the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s (MnDOT) Transportation Economic Development Program (TED), the Corridor Investment Management Strategy (CIMS) initiative, and the Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS). In addition to these awards, SRF was also able to secure North Dakota SRTS funding for the City of Killdeer. These projects were awarded a combined total of $16.3 million. Funding received for TED projects accounts for 58% of the program’s total funding for the year.
SRF is proud to be part of these success stories in the cities of Minneapolis, West St. Paul, Moorhead, Wadena, Killdeer (ND), and Olmsted County. These projects demonstrated a unique funding need, while exceeding program goals and objectives. We are excited to see these projects evolve from conception, to design, and now implementation. We wish the best to our project partners as they fulfill their transportation needs at the local, regional, and state level.