The Luce Line Regional Trail is heavily used by bicyclists and pedestrians, particularly during lunch breaks and morning commutes, and links the western suburbs to the greater Minneapolis area. Crossing the four-lane Xenium Avenue (CSAH 61) was a complicated, dangerous process. Three Rivers Park District secured Federal Transportation Enhancement funding to design and construct a trail bridge to replace the at-grade crossing. SRF worked with Three Rivers Park District and Hennepin County to complete final design and construction administration. SRF worked in close coordination with local agencies, public and private utilities, and local business. We used 3D models during the design process to review the proposed bridge from a driver’s perspective and ensure business signage would be visible after construction. The design of the ADA accessible bridge incorporates a modified bowstring steel arch truss that spans across the full width of the roadway and provides visibility for an adjacent railroad crossing signal. Construction of the bridge was also challenging due to the proximity of the adjacent to Union Pacific Railroad. The new bridge significantly enhances the safety of bicyclists, pedestrians, and drivers along this busy trail and roadway.