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Through a partnership with the Local Road Research Board (LRRB), Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), and University of Minnesota’s Center for Transportation Studies, SRF developed and delivered training for local agencies. The three-part training series began with an ADA overview, focusing on the Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). By organizing regular meetings with the LRRB Technical Advisory Panel Committee, SRF led the development of a full-day presentation of ADA material.

For the second part of the ADA training series, SRF partnered with MnDOT to develop a full-Day ADA design presentation. Focusing on various aspects of ADA requirements for designers, SRF and MnDOT restructured existing MnDOT ADA design materials and created new material to provide design examples and updated information. This second full-day training was delivered in all MnDOT districts and topics included:

  • MnDOT Agency ADA Standards
  • Comparison of MnDOT and local standards
  • MnDOT Standard Plans for curb ramps, sidewalks and driveways, and accessible pedestrian signals
  • The “outside-In” design process of establishing tie-in connections and sidewalk slopes prior to setting mainline roadway profiles. Case studies of successful ADA design on mill and overlay projects, Trunk Highways through small towns (Main Streets), and urban reconstruction projects were covered.
  • National ADA project scoping requirements
  • MnDOT project scoping requirements
Minnesota Department of Transportation
ADA Planning and Design View All Projects