Several SRF staff members will be presenting and participating in panel discussions at the 2018 TRB Annual Meeting. SRF’s collaborative work with various clients will also be shared during this event.
Monday, January 8 from 8:00 AM- 9:45 AM
Lectern Session 220: Use of Reliability as a Measure for Effectiveness of Transportation Systems Management and Operations: How Is It Going?
Panel: Use of Reliability in the Congestion Management Safety Plan
Todd Polum, SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Monday, January 8 from 3:45 PM- 5:30 PM
Lectern Session 412: Converting Distressed Paved Roads to Engineered Unpaved Roads
Developing Tools for Deciding to Convert from Paved to Unpaved: Minnesota Experience
Mitchell Rasmussen, Minnesota Department of Transportation
*This is part of SRF’s work for LRRB System Preservation Outreach
Tuesday, January 9 from 10:15 AM- 12 PM
Poster Session 570: Innovative Strategies and Tools to Advance Operations: Implementation Experiences with SHRP 2 Reliability Products
Poster: Analyzing Transportation Alternatives with the SHRP2 Reliability Data and Analysis Tools – Minnesota DOT’s Experience
Todd Polum, SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Tuesday, January 9 from 6:00 PM- 7:30 PM
Lectern Session 729: Applying Research to Improve Traffic Monitoring Practices
Viability Evaluation of Estimating Axle Factors and Axle Classes from Vehicle Length Data
Raul Avelar, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
*SRF led Phase 1 of this project for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Wednesday, January 10 from 8:00 AM- 9:45 AM
Lectern Session 736: Moving the Latest Pavement Research into Practice: National, State, and Local Case Studies
Abstract: Transferring New Pavement Technologies to Pooled Fund Partners: MnROAD’s NRRA
Renae Kuehl, SRF Consulting Group, Inc.