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South Dakota Department of Transportation

SD 73 Reconstruction – Improving Mobility, Safety, and Access to the Pine Ridge Reservation

Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant (MPDG)


Project Information Form

Project Description

Location File – SD – SD73/248

Project Budget

Outcome Criteria Narrative

Project Readiness

Project Requirements

Benefit Cost Analysis

BCA Narrative

BCA Calculations


Crash Data Map

Crash Rates Map

Project Map

Project Schedule

Project Infographic

Detour Layout

Letters of Support

U.S. Senator John Thune

U.S. Representative Dusty Johnson

Jackson County Commission

Project Layout

Right of Way Plans

Section A Plans

Section B Plans

Section F Plans

Surfacing Design

Project Location

Project Funding and Cost Estimates

FY 23 MPDG SD 73 Cost Breakout

Project Schedule


Reports and Studies

Project Scope

Public Meeting Summary

Partnerships & Collaboration