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US Highway 2 & 42nd Street SE Intersection Improvements

The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) retained SRF to improve the geometrics, operations, and safety of the intersection of US Highway 2 and 42nd Street SE/14th Avenue SE. Industrial and commercial businesses along the corridor, high crash rates at the intersection, and projected economic growth in the vicinity of the project are all factors contributing to the deficiencies at the intersection.

SRF developed a Traffic Operations Report that identified the deficiencies of the intersection and the improvements necessary to achieve the project goals. The improvements include:

  • Installing a traffic signal and lighting at the intersection.
  • Offsetting the frontage road intersections with the side roads from the US Highway 2 intersection.
  • Realigning the intersection further to the north to remove the existing skew of 14th Avenue SE and 42nd Street SE.
  • Improving the future Level of Service (LOS) to acceptable levels by adding left and right turn lanes to 14th Avenue SE and 42nd Street SE.
  • Lengthening the existing right and left turn lanes on US Highway 2 to meet current standards with the projected increase in traffic volumes.
  • Performing geometric design to accommodate the large trucks accessing the industrial businesses along the corridor.
  • Adding a pedestrian crossing on the south side of US Highway 2, which did not have a designated crossing for pedestrians.

SRF completed public involvement including Statement of Views (SOV) letters, a public input meeting, and individual property owner meetings to gather input, concerns, and needs of each property owner. The input and comments gathered from the public involvement assisted in identifying the needs and concerns with those directly affected and were included in the development of the proposed improvements.

SRF also completed a Documented CATEX to submit to the NDDOT and FHWA for approval. Upon approval of the Documented CATEX, SRF prepared final design plans, bidding documents, utility coordination, permitting, and right of way acquisition for the project.

North Dakota Department of Transportation
Minot, North Dakota
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