With road construction season in full swing, our amazing drone team recently captured some construction action in Lakeville, Minnesota.
In partnership with the City of Lakeville, Dakota County is reconstructing segments of Dodd Boulevard between Hayes Avenue and Glasgow Avenue in preparation for the turnback of Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) to Dodd County. The improvements will address traffic volume needs, improve residential access for expanding developments, and provide new access to the City of Lakeville’s Central Maintenance Facility.
SRF’s Construction Services team is leading the administration of this project, working closely with the County and City to ensure project staging and traffic control meet the public’s needs and properly maintain access. To date, SRF has successfully coordinated several traffic control changes to avoid conflicts with City events, school busing, adjacent road projects, and resident/business access.
Prior to the start of the project, SRF reviewed the contractor’s schedule to make sure each stage would provide continual access to the City’s Central Maintenance Facility, and area access for residents, businesses, and buses. Once the schedule and staging were reviewed and approved, SRF held a business engagement meeting to communicate upcoming impacts to businesses.
Throughout construction, SRF is leading weekly project meetings to discuss traffic control and work zone safety. Weekly progress updates that outline completed work, upcoming work, and upcoming traffic impacts are also provided for the project website.