Congratulations to SRF’s Bob Moore, Vice President Construction and Survey, for receiving this year’s President’s Award for their efforts on behalf of the ACEC/MN Campaign Fund and ACEC National PAC.
Bob, along with industry peers, has played a key role to raise awareness and funds for the state Campaign Fund and the National PAC – leading Minnesota to achieve our goal with American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) National for PAC contributions for the first time in 2020, and continuing to reach the goal for 2021 and 2022.
His partnership was also instrumental in the transition to the ACEC/MN Campaign Fund from a PAC, which simplified administration and enabled better collaboration with the National PAC. Fundraising for the ACEC/MN Campaign Fund and the number of contributors continue to grow each year with their efforts, bringing more members into ACEC/MN advocacy efforts and growing the pool of resources to support the needs of the engineering industry in St. Paul. Congratulations, Bob!