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Minnesota Department of Transportation
Highway 210 Brainerd, Minnesota – Equity, Safety, and Multimodal Connectivity Project
2023-2024 Multimodal Projects Discretionary Grant (MPDG) Opportunity


Project Description

Project Budget

Project Outcome Criteria

Project Readiness

Project Requirements

Project Information Form

Project Location Map

Benefit Cost Analysis

BCA Narrative

BCA Calculations


Current Project Corridor Images

Letters of Support

2023-2024 MPDG Letters of Support

2023 RAISE Letters of Support

Minnesota Department of Transportation Support Letter

Project Layout


Project Funding and Cost Estimates

Total Project Cost Estimate

Detailed Construction Cost Estimate

Monte Carlo Cost Simulation

Funding Breakdown

2023-2026 STIP Documentation

Project Schedule

Hwy 210 Project Schedule

Reports and Studies

2021 Crow Wing County Labor Study Report

Public Involvement Plan

Issues Map

Highway 210 Corridor Study

2020 Pavement Condition Annual Report

Public Participation Summary

Minnesota Multimodal Transportation Networks

Intersection Control Evaluation Report

MnDOT District 3 Freight Plan

Brainerd Transit Services

Origin Destination Study

MnDOT Land Use Context Memo

Equity Analysis

Zoning Map

PAWS Report

Highway 210 Design Memo

Risk Register

2022 MnDOT Research At-a-Glance

2022 Minnesota Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan

Street Utility Replacement Map

2022 Transportation Asset Management Plan

Final Draft CATEX Report

Bridge Inventory Report

Traffic Operations Analysis