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Transforming Communities: SRF’s Transportation Planning Services and Studies

Transportation Planning

Successful transportation planning at the local, regional, and state level ensures the safe and efficient movement of people and goods while supporting community and regional goals.

SRF works with communities and agencies to prepare transportation plans and facilitate studies that address growth, development, redevelopment, community values, and quality of life.

The key objectives of our transportation planning approach generally include:

  • Engagement – data driven & community focused
  • Identification of local concerns
  • Integration of all modes
  • Building a transportation network that responds to changing patterns
  • Identify system improvements and preservation needs

We understand that plans and studies are a means for moving toward purposeful action. Our philosophy behind a successful planning process is to build trust, understanding, and consensus. We focus on involving project stakeholders, creatively addressing complex and leading-edge issues, and developing realistic implementation strategies.

From developing plans for rural, urbanizing, and developed communities to preparing far-reaching policy documents at the regional and state level, we have expertise in every aspect of transportation planning. We also work with our clients to secure funding for their identified projects.

Transportation Safety Plans

SRF’s dedicated safety team brings extensive experience in highway traffic safety, highway design, traffic engineering, maintenance and enforcement. Analytical tools, such as data management software and GIS-based tools, further expand our expertise, enabling us to better serve our clients in the safety area.

Our techniques for the development of successful safety plans have been designed and tested during the delivery of 200+ road safety plans, 30+ road safety audits, and 100+ SRTS studies over the past 15 years. Our process is based on extensive research, data analysis, and collaboration with local, state and federal stakeholders. SRF is committed to improving the safety of the communities in which we work.

Related Safety Plan Experience

Our comprehensive experience includes:

  • County Road Safety Plans
  • Safe Streets for All (SS4A) Safety Action Plans and Grant Applications
  • High Injury Network Analysis
  • Reactive approach to reducing crashes
  • Location specific approach to identify safety project
  • Proactive approach to reducing crashes based on risk factors
  • Systematic approach to identify safety projects across roadway system
  • Multimodal safety solutions
  • Rail and freight safety plans

We also have a long and successful history of assisting our clients in securing funding for transportation and infrastructure improvements, including bridges, roadways, trails, parks, sidewalks, bike lanes, interchanges, streetscape, transit, and safe routes to school projects.

Traffic Studies

Our approach is centered on building a collaborative effort where the SRF team works closely with the study partners. Our team takes pride in being inclusive and will ensure that the varied voices and backgrounds in the study area are incorporated throughout the study process. Integrated within this approach is comprehensive stakeholder and agency coordination to build consensus through meaningful and transparent outreach and facilitation.

The basic elements of a traffic study include:

  • Vehicle safety
  • Vehicle mobility
  • Bridge condition
  • Walkability/bikeability
  • Pavement condition

Related Traffic Study Experience

Rooted in the complete streets assessment process, we advocate for inclusive discussions to ensure diverse input, streamline project timelines, and save resources. Keys to our approach include:

  • Define desired corridor functions
  • Functional prioritization
  • Identify conflicts
  • Develop and screen multimodal alternatives
  • Review preliminary findings with stakeholders and finalize

Funding & Grant Assistance

SRF’s Planning experts also have extensive experience in aligning our client’s planning efforts with potential funding and grant opportunities. Backed by a Funding and Grants Team of 55+ team members, we can also provide assistance with developing funding strategies and writing grant applications.

Our leaders with expertise in transportation planning, safety plans, and traffic studies:

Matt Knight, AICP

Matt has 18 years of transportation planning experience and specializes in traffic safety, multi-modal transportation safety studies, and corridor studies. His safety experience ranges from Safe Routes to School studies to larger statewide efforts such as statewide County Road Safety Plans and MnDOT District Safety Plan Updates. Matt works closely with the Safety and Research team members in SRF’s Fargo, Minneapolis, and Madison offices but he is based in Bemidji. | 763.452.4729

Molly Stewart, PE, PTOE

Molly is a seasoned project manager with 19 years of transportation planning and traffic engineering experience. Her experience includes working with state, county and municipal clients on a variety of transportation and planning projects including feasibility studies, corridor studies, subarea studies, transportation and preservation plans, multimodal facility plans, freight studies, and funding applications. Molly is committed to working collaboratively with clients and dedicated to providing exceptional service. | 763.452.4784

Justin Scott, AICP

Justin has 17 years of multimodal transportation planning and policy experience working with federal, state, and local agencies to deliver a variety of large and small projects. He has experience leading regional and statewide freight plans, state rail plans and rail safety plans, and intermodal rail feasibility analysis studies. Justin is also a quiet zone expert having assisted numerous communities successfully implement quiet zones across the nation. He has a deep understanding of federal grant programs and is experienced in fulfilling federal grant requirements and working to program grant applications for winning projects. | 763.249.6764

Luke Champa, AICP

Luke has diverse experience in regional planning, metropolitan transportation planning, and urban and rural design. He previously worked at FMCOG and has continued his work at SRF to collaborate with federal, state, and local agencies to forward public interest and find creative solutions to promote a more resilient and vibrant built environment. He aims to recognize client and stakeholder needs to deliver high-quality, actionable products grounded in big-thinking practicality. | 701.893.7407